Mental health

Harshita Solanki
2 min readJul 8, 2020

For I sit down to write today

To grieve for the losses

Incurred during the lockdown.

Loss of deteriorating mental health of people

Away from their families

And their peace almost shut down.

Numerous number of people around them,

but can only see houses with locks.

Whom do they seek help from,

When they are fighting in their head

All around the clock.

For I sit down to write today

Wanting to lend an extra ear,

But easier said than done

They’re unable to overcome this fear.

Fear of being alone, unemployed, broke, unstable,

And when a precious life will inevitably end

It will become an interesting fable.

For I sit down to write today

To pay my tribute for the ones who fight

Everyday, with their minds & thoughts

Creating a thunderstorm in their heads

Which most of them are not able to survive.

For I sit down to write today

To introspect our inefficiency of being there for someone

In times of survival crisis.

To learn more about importance of peace

In ones life

As we do not know

Which one in the crowd is walking on a knife.

Don’t let smiles manipulate you

We do not know

How much a joker from circus laughs at his home

We do not know

To what extent someone is feeling alone.

For I sit down to write today

To remember the ones we have lost

During such times of hardships

To remember the ones who struggle everyday

To smile hard, and not weep.

Mental health

Also read — 10 positive things happened during lockdown

Originally published at on July 8, 2020.



Harshita Solanki

This blog is about poetry, social issues, empowerment and education.